Minggu, 05 Agustus 2018

Monoreto is a new social network that wants to bring users back to the posts that they want to see on their feeds.


Blockchain seems to be just about everywhere these days. Cryptocurrencies are usually the first association that people have when they hear the word blockchain. But it is something that is entering many more specific parts of our lives. One of the things that makes blockchain attractive is the level of transparency that it brings. With transparency comes accountability and in the wake of the recent scandal involving 87 million Facebook users’ data being inappropriately shared with Cambridge Analytica, these are things that more and more users are likely to care about when it comes to their information.
Facebook was already seeing a decline in users before than scandal hit. Since the beginning of 2018, changes have been implemented with the newsfeed and advertisers have scrambled to figure out how to make sure their content remains lucrative.
Another thing to take into consideration is Big Data. Companies are researching social media pages for marketing purposes. Their approaches are getting more aggressive because the information they are able to seek will give them tools to end up earning more money from what users are willingly (but possible unknowingly) ready to share with anyone who is out to find it.
As social networks create algorithms, advertisers work to crack them and other parties interested in user data are also exploring ways to get what they want. Again, the transparency that blockchain provides could be a way for social media networks to offer their users something more and make them feel safer and less used. A move from ad-based platforms to ones that run on blockchain would lead to users having total control over their data and being able to choose with whom to share that data, if with anyone at all.
Giving users more control over their content is something that serious social media companies are going to have to consider as times change and users start demanding something more from them. Monoreto is a blockchain-based social media network that pays users for quality content by charging users for the likes they give. This enables quality content to earn money for its genuine popularity. Transparency and practicality just can’t be beaten.


Chances are you have a social media account or know someone that does. As social media accounts grow in popularity and, among certain people, in necessity, so, too, do questions about personal privacy within the framework of using these social media platforms. Whether it’s information about your relationship, your children, travel plans, or even basic personal interests, there are a lot of things that we are willingly sharing with the world that might just end up posing problems from us and the people we care about.
There are many reasons that people choose to have private accounts. These include not wanting to come across as being judgmental, not letting others know who follows you, and maybe even feeling insecure. Ultimately, it is the user’s choice whether to have his or her account be public or private. It’s important to know, though, that having a private account isn’t a guarantee that unauthorized people won’t be able it to access it. And if you choose to have a public account, you should be smart so as not to jeopardize, say, your job.
Probably one of the most obvious tips when it comes to privacy is to watch what you post if you have children or work with them. A father was recently scouting out preschools for his child and remembered from a public post years ago that a quite opinionated woman mentioned that she worked at this school. Turns out, she still does, and, though she no longer mentions it on her personal page, she does include quite provocative photos of herself that probably wouldn’t make any parent feel particularly comfortable about her teaching their young children. Somehow, this has slipped through the school’s filter for now. In any case, that father chose to go against the school and actually ended up using the more appropriate public social media profile from another school’s teacher as guidance in making the choice he did.
There have also been instances of people’s posts being reposted by others and those other people ending up getting money from the posts. The original poster, who should, in theory, have rights to what was posted, walks away with nothing. It seems so wrong.
Monoreto is a social network that wants to reward users posters for their original content. This is a social network where users pay to like the posts that they really like and help boost the creators of original content and reward them in the process. Users who pay to give likes also move up in the feed.
Problem Description for Social Network Users
The biggest problem of existing social networks is “not being grateful” for the efforts made by ordinary users who create content. On existing social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, VK, and many others, users generate quality and unique content without any compensation at all. No popular social networking user is rewarded for their content by the network or other users.
Monetizing content through ads is typically done by hypnotized bloggers and photographers who decide which advertisers to work with, as well as new authors who advertise questionable goods and services to make money.
The structure of most social networks does not value the idea of ​​liking as a content writer’s promotion. This directs users to like things even when they really do not like photos or videos and also like things to attract new followers. But even if the like is legitimate, it still does not bring direct benefits to the author.

Centralized social networks do not monetize the content of their users.



User receives MON-tokens for each like got !
To solve this problem, the specialist team has developed an innovative Monoreto platform. Monoreto is a social network that:
Reduce the need for blogger advertising as a method of monetization
• Increase the significance and value of likes and improve overall quality content
• Give each user a chance to earn from posting photos and videos
• Making fakes and bots unprofitable

Social Network Overview (Facebook and Instagram)
Statistics show that the most popular social networking in the world today is Facebook and Instagram.


Token info
Token MNR
Platform Ethereum
Type ERC20
PreICO price 1 MNR = 0.025 USD
Price in ICO 1 MNR = 0.05 USD

Pre-ICO bonus – **50% (10.05 -10.06) **
ICO bonuses – up to 20% (15.08 – 30.09): 15.08 – 20% 16.08 – 17.08 – 15% 18.08 – 28.08 – 10% 29.08 – 10.09 – 5% 11.09 – 30.09 – 0%
Tokens for sale 500,000,000

Investment info
Min. investment 0.1 ETH
Accepting ETH
Distributed in ICO 63%
Soft cap 200,000 USD
Hard cap 800,000 USD

Q2 2017
Research needs of market.
Research of platform launch on the international market.
Creation of draft platform design.

Q3 2017
Development of marketing innovation mechanism inside platform Monoreto.
Resolving questions of technical realization of the platform and its scaling.

Q4 2017
Preparation to blockchain technology use in project.
The beginning of work on Whitepaper.
Engagement of consultants.
Project introduction to potential users.
Development of ITO campaign for raising funds.
Overview of technological solutions of the platform and its positioning.
Development of media plan and marketing research.

Q1 2018
Beginning of marketing campaigns on tokens sale.
Organization of Monoreto’s community.
Presentation of project and integration into mass media.

Q2-Q3 2018
Presentation of functional core of platform.
Start of fund raising to bring product to world market.
Presentation of project to holders of tokens at international level.
Completing distribution of tokens.
Beta-version of product.

Q4 2018
Monoreto Investment.
Launching escrow system.
Smart contracts within the platform.

Q1-Q3 2019
Unlock 20% of tokens for first users from platform development fund.
Designing effective smart feed tools to promote users.
Developing mobile application.
Translation to additional languages.


For more information, you can visit link bellow :

AUTHOR:Nasi padang

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