Senin, 01 Oktober 2018

Everest - account and information management with the help of biometric identification


In the modern world, many services are provided remotely - one can apply for a loan on-line, generate an insurance policy on the insurance company's website, etc. But in order to receive money on a settlement account, or an insurance policy in paper form, it is necessary to personally come to the organization to identify one's identity and confirm consent to receive the selected service. Thus, the process is not automated to the logical end, and the whole sense of such modernization is lost, since the client still has to physically visit the office of the company physically with a passport. Modern man is hard to allocate for this time, and he badly needs to develop a system for identifying a new level, which will allow remote identification of a person. The decentralized project Everest offers its own development - a biometric identification system based on payment service.

Key features of Everest:

To get the necessary services, now there is no need to visit the company's off-line office - artificial intelligence of the Everest platform will determine the identity of a person by fingerprint and will allow remote operations in a matter of minutes. Built-in digital identifiers Everest will allow the user to manage their electronic accounts, make out loans, confirm the identity for processing social or economic transactions. Everest will allow a person to fully control their personal data.

Advantages of Everest:

The Everest project is based on the blockbuster platform and allows you to securely store the posted data against unauthorized use. The constant companions of a decentralized system are smart contracts that allow you to quickly and cheaply conduct transactions using a digital signature.

For work inside the platform, biometric confirmation of each operation is not required - each user enters his personal cabinet only with a fingerprint, identifying his identity. Registration for the start of work is carried out by means of SCC and removal of biometric information. Special equipment is not required for this - just attach your finger to a special active window on your smartphone.

The Everest platform is equipped with the EverWallet multi-currency purse based on EverChain payment solution and allows not only to identify the person for receiving services in various spheres of human life, but also to carry out necessary operations with the help of the Everest system.

Everest offers money transfers between users, make out loans and save money in deposits, place medical information in the cloud storage and instantly provide it on request, purchase real estate with subsequent registration, make out insurance. All data services are confirmed by biometric data with the help of the patented EverID Dapp program, and together with the block technology it provides 100% security of the information placed.

Everest Crypto currency:

For internal calculations, the project uses tokens ID. Total issued 800 million units, of which 38% were directed for sale. The cost of one token is $ 0.01. Deadlines for the creation of the project have not been announced yet.

Results of the review Everest:

Thus, the Everest project is the embodiment of an innovative approach to remote identity identification. Thanks to biometric identification and mobile application Everest, the user of the system can instantly use the necessary service, issue the property into property or take a loan. Now there is no need to spend time on a transfer to the office of the company with a passport. Everest is attentive to its customers and provides 24-hour support services. Having a multi-functional and easy-to-understand interface, the Everest platform has already received high marks from experts.

The development of the project began in 2016 and the alpha version of the project with the EverWallet cryptocool has already been launched. By October, there will be a beta version of EverWallet 1.0. The subsequent versions of the project will be published once a quarter during the next year. The result of the work will be an integrated version of the Everest 4.0 project with a license for banking activities.


AUTHOR:Nasi padang


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